Sea Turtle Hatchlings
Photo Gallery

Every summer, when the sea turtles hatch and head instinctively for the sea, it represents another chapter in the story of their ongoing recovery from the brink of extinction.

These tiny babies, without the benefit of any guidance other than their innate senses, know with an unwavering certainty that the sea is their home and bravely make the trek to the water with a confidence that is a wonder to behold.

"I like to say I was hatched in Iowa and found my nest on Padre Island."
                                                                   ~ Ila Loetscher

Click on any of the images below to view it in a larger format

Sea Turtle hatchlings crawl across the beach to get to the sea
Hatchling makes a sand angel image on the beach
Mary Ann Tous holds a newborn hatchling in her hands
A single hatchling makes its way toward the sea in 2008
Early summer morning on South Padre Island
A sea turtle hatchling on the beach of South Padre Island
The last hatchling release of 2008
A sea turtle hatchling makes tracks across the South Padre Island beach
A baby Green hatchling on South Padre Island's Gulf beach
A sea turtle hatchling nears the ocean which will become its new home
Hatchling Release on South Padre Island in June of 2008
A group of hatchlings find their way together to the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico
Many thanks to Ann Arendarczyk and Norma Garcia for contributing pictures to this particular gallery


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